07, February, 2022
By: Carl Iyke

Bridge night image

The battle for supremacy between Samsung galaxy phones and Apple iPhone has been raging on for years with no end in sight. Proponents on both sides of the divide believe that their favorite brand is better than the other. As a result, you hear comments like: "Apple doesn't sell phones, they sell a lifestyle," "While iPhones give you class, Samsung enjoys a wider market share," and a host of others from iPhone users. These comments might have you wondering what brand makes the best phones, Apple or Samsung. Are you a camera freak? Or a Geek on the lookout for the optimal machine with the best processing prowess? The above question solely depends on what you want in a smartphone. 

"Better" is a relative concept; what is better for me will almost certainly not be better for you; yet, we may determine which phone is better by examining the factors listed below:

1: User Experience 

The primary goal of any product is to sell; no corporation creates an effect because they like creating it; instead, they make things to meet the needs of people. No firm can thrive without people; thus, the user experience is crucial in deciding how good a product is.

When we compare the operating systems of Samsung Galaxy devices to those of Apple iPhone in this category, we find that, from the customers' standpoint, Samsung and Apple have become increasingly similar over time. However, even though these two businesses offer excellent items, there is always space for improvement.

Apple's user experience is unquestionably fantastic, yet many aspects of the iPhone should be revamped and streamlined. Unfortunately, this discrepancy introduces a tie between the two tech behemoths in the user experience category.

2: Durability of Product and Industrial design.

Because we are visual beings and aesthetics matter to us, when firms build a product, they focus some of their efforts on making it beautiful. Any company that ignores the design aspect of their product risks low returns and customer unhappiness.

While the user's perception of design is subjective, Samsung and iPhone have established themselves as giants in the technology business. However, after comparing several Samsung Galaxy devices to Apple iPhone items in this design category, the two firms are tied again.

A phone's CPU is essential and the core part of a smartphone; this is one of the vital areas phone manufacturers reveal their innovation and challenges their competitors. As usual, Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy smartphones are in this challenge. Apple uses a bionic a14, while Samsung uses a snapdragon 888.

Apple bionic has six cores processor while the Samsung snapdragon processor has eight cores. While core numbers are different, they run at the same speed and have a top speed of 3GHz. It is no news that Apple iPhone owns and controls their operating system; this gives them a specific CPU advantage because their products are built to suit their operating system. Samsung relies on outside manufacturers for its semiconductor design. Because Apple iPhone doesn't rely on open market semiconductor manufacturers like Samsung for designs, their chip optimization is exceptional. The winner of this category is Apple iPhone because of the real-world performance of their phones.

3: chain of supply integration

Even though Apple designs and manufactures its semiconductors, it is no match for Samsung in this category because Apple relies on Samsung to manufacture some of its products. Flash memory, dynamic random access memory, and organic light-emitting diode displays are such components. Although we cannot overlook Apple's expertise in this area, Samsung wins.

4: Applications

Apple's performance in terms of services and applications is unsurpassed. Samsung relies on Google for almost everything in terms of apps and services, whereas Apple has its ecosystem and environment. Samsung is a loser in this category because of its excessive reliance on Google.

5: Integration of Product

Apple's ability to make all its products work together in harmony and sync gives it an edge over other operating systems. Samsung's over-reliance on Google means they do not control the entire interface of their products, and this lack of total control over their products always results in something not working right. Apple's seamless control over its products gives them the winner of this category.

6: Developer ecosystem

The Android ecosystem is owned and controlled by Google. This implies that they have complete dominance over the Android ecosystem. Because Samsung lacks its ecosystem, it is at a disadvantage and the mercy of Google, as evidenced by Samsung's over-reliance on Google products. Unlike Samsung, which has no developer ecosystem, Apple has its ecosystem and is more in touch with its developer base. Therefore, apple is the winner in this category.

7: Infrastructure for Customer Care and Support

Apple iPhone customer care can be said to be one of the best in the world. Apple wins since its retail stores are nearly everywhere; you can go into any Apple store and have your gadget mended by an authorized engineer in no time. In terms of operating system support, Apple keeps the device up to date for five years with updates, a feat Samsung is yet to achieve. Google recently mandated the vendors of its operating system, including Samsung, to commit to a three-year maintenance plan as of August of last year. The winner of this category goes to Apple iPhone.

8: Openness and Transparency

Apple controls virtually every aspect of the iPhone operating system, making it wholly proprietary, whereas Samsung is built on an open-source foundation (Android). However, Samsung's platform is still significantly more open than Apple's. Therefore, Samsung is the winner of this category.

9: Security and Privacy

It's just as easy to pronounce Samsung the winner in terms of platform openness as it is in terms of privacy and security. Apple's track record and the lack of personal data or information on consumers speak well for the company's privacy efforts. On the other hand, Google is essentially a data and advertising company; therefore, it is interested in obtaining as much information on us as possible.

A scan of the Google Play Store reveals that the Android ecosystem is filled with all types of malware, scams, exploits, and bogus applications. Apple has increased its focus on privacy, requiring apps to request tracking permission. Samsung, however, is unable to do so due to its reliance on Google services. As a result, when it comes to privacy, Apple reigns supreme.

10: Screen size and Resolution

A large screen and high resolution are what most users want when it comes to buying a smartphone, they feel the more significant the screen, the more extraordinary the smartphone will be. Luckily for Apple iPhone users and Samsung fans, these two companies prioritize their phone screens and are known to deliver incredible features in their products.

When we analyze Apple iPhone 13 variants, we discover they possess the same display (6.1 inches) and resolution (1,170 x 2,532). One of the major features of Samsung devices is their screen size, every smartphone user knows Samsung is the king of smartphones screen, and they are unrivaled, not even by Apple iPhone.

Samsung s21 and s21 plus screen inch and display vary slightly, with s21 having a 6.2 inch and 1,080 x 2,400 display while the plus has a 6.7inch with a resolution of 1,080 x 2,400 display. Samsung uses an AMOLED display while the new Apple iPhone uses XDR OLED displays. AMOLED screens consume less electricity than OLED displays and allow for more control over the pixels, a feat OLED screen is yet to achieve. It is no doubt who the winner of the category is. All smartphone makers should copy Samsung's commitment to increasing the power of their screens.

11: Camera

One of the goals of a smartphone user is the ability to bring out your phone and capture great images with it. Many photographers no longer feel the need to buy a digital camera when they can use their phones to shoot the pictures and edit on their laptops.

The flagship device of significant smartphone companies is driven by camera demand, which drives influential smartphone makers to produce incredible cameras in their smartphones. As expected, Samsung and Apple are leading the pact.

As with the iPhone 12, Apple has embraced the benefits of numerous lenses with the iPhone 13, featuring a 12 megapixels wide and 12 megapixels ultra-wide lens. Samsung offers three lenses with the ordinary S21: a 12 megapixels wide lens, a 64 megapixels telephoto lens, and a 12 megapixels ultra-wide lens. The Ultra has the same features as the Pro. Still, it has a 108 megapixels wide-angle lens, 10 megapixels periscope telephoto lens, a 10 megapixels telephoto lens, and a 12 megapixels ultra-wide lens. This category is a tie.


The essential thing users consider when buying a smartphone is value for money spent; with Samsung and Apple iPhone, users are ensured of the industry's best products. However, as previously stated, user experience differs from one person to another, and the best phone for MR A will not be the best phone for MR B. Still, after collating the result from the parameters above, we can conclude that Apple iPhone has the edge over Samsung and therefore is a better pick.




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